Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arkansas Land

I found 36 acres of land in the Ozarks for 21k. I called the real estate agent to inquire. Before we buy any land we need to become either a regular company or a non-profit where we are all on the board of directors. We still have alot of learning to do. I think this topic (becoming a company) is covered in some of the permaculture books by Bill Mollison, the father of permaculture. I have ordered his introduction book and Sarah has a copy on the way as well.

I guess while we are learning more we should start thinking about a time line for our village. Also, I have invited you all as collaborators on this blog so feel free to post your thoughts, ideas, etc here on the blog.


Brook said...

In what county is the land located? We need to be careful becasue the New Madrid Seismic Zone is located on the borders of AK/IL/TN/MO/KY. I was thinking this could negatively affect investors, etc...

Dana said...

I don't know yet. I will let you know as soon as I find out.

Mathemagician said...

Why do you have to be a business or non-profit? Can't individuals just buy land? Also, can you buy less than 36 acres?
Oh, and my dad will inherit a few acres in kaplan. That might not be for a while though. But he'll probably be cool with building an earth house on it.

Dana said...

We can buy land individually...but we don't want the land owner turning into a dictator or thinking they have more power or rights that everyone else. So if I buy the land and then the future unfolds as we believe it will; who is going to stop me from letting 100 more people that we can't feed move onto the land because I feel bad for them? The business idea is to give everyone a say. I got the idea from a permaculture brochure written by Bill Mollison, the father of permaculture.

Mathemagician said...

Ooooh, good point. I just looked up Arkansas and it looks like it gets hit pretty hard with natural disasters. I know they happen everywhere, but here in florida we only have to worry about hurricanes. Over there they have flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, and snow. Should we start looking into other places as well, or are we set on Arkansas?

Dana said...

We can look where ever we want, we are not set on any place. I think the most important thing is elevation to protect against rising oceans.

Dana said...

Brook, I was looking at Madison county. I am thinking Arkansas because that was the first lead I got, there are mountains there, the land is cheap and we speak the language.