Monday, July 14, 2008

bitter builders

So I talked to the guy building the earthship in florida today. Their new website is It was kinda strange and there's definitely some weird politics going on. The first guy I talked to, named Mark, who's number is on a website was really bitter because apparently this other guy Brian and his girlfriend, along with the P.R. company that Mark hired joined forces and booted him out of the project. He's now supposedly working on building an eco-resort though that would have several smaller homes made of all of the possible working materials like rammed earth, straw, etc. It would basically be a research project on the best material for florida. i plan on following up with him in the spring on that.

So anyway, got Brian's number and it turns out that building has been held back b/c of permitting issues. But he said that it's actually a positive thing b/c they've had time to prepare for better things, e.g. now they're going to have a machine that recycles glass and all of the concrete will be made of this.

Building should begin in mid-August. I'm going to register when I know i can get off of work. There's going to be permaculture and it's all going to be built near wetlands. If anyone wants to come, all you need is a tent and cash for food.

Brian's number is: (727) 793-7808
Mark's number is: (727) 644-8228

Onward and Upward!


Dana said...

Jamie, I can't wait to hear all about what you learn there. That resort will be cool too. Especially if you get to see and participate in different types of natural building.

That is weird about the people booting the first guy off of the project. Who is paying these people? I wonder who is paying for the P.R. company?


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