Friday, July 18, 2008

Organization Status...or would it be stati

The grants look great, but it seems as if there are some hurdles we would have to jump in order to apply for them. The housing grants seem to require that were are a private or nonprofit organization and one of the good ones required that the grant money be matched by additional funding. I think that it was that same one that would not allow any of the money to be allocated towards construction.

The business grants look great as well, but again, there are a few things we would have to consider and it might be best to have the land first so that we know which states' laws we will have to conform to. I think that it would be good to put all of the possibilities on the table and to meet up and discuss what we want to accomplish as a business or non-profit, or any organization for that matter. More research definitely needs to be done on this though. I definitely also want to look up grants I could apply for as a native american and if I would even be eligible being that I'm such a small percent.

Thanks for posting those federal docs D.B.!


Mathemagician said...

The link titled "Earthbag house information" is fantastic, especially because it sites actual standards that have been set by New Zealand on building with natural materials. This is the first I've seen of any standards.

I think that I want to start researching the materials on my own in my backyard. Hopefully those homeowner association bitches won't send us ANOTHER notice. There should definitely not be an HOA at our earth-home community.

Dana said...

It is status because organization is singular :P